2024 Show.
This is the 20th year of what is a major event on the calendar of wine exhibitors.
The aim of the committee is to provide an event where Blackwood Valley, Manjimup and Pemberton grown and vintaged wines (85%) are judged with their peers by Australian Judging Standards, and secondly, to ensure that the medal and trophy results have credibility with the buying public, so only
bottled commercially available wines are eligible for entry.
Exhibitors are requested to read class descriptions, quantity limitations and the regulations with care.
Thanks to all exhibitors who entered the 2024 show.
Congratulations to all our 2024 winners!
2024 Prospectus & Entry
Entries closed 16th August 2024.
Our Judges

Jane Faulkner - Chief Judge, Megs Kopke, Dylan Arvidson, Foni Pollitt, Andrew Dawson (left to right).